Sometimes in life there are those people that you just can’t tolerate, Those people that share with you nasty debates. Some people in life are just annoying They feel your life and head need some toying.
These are the people that make your life full of stress Bring you down even when you’re at your best. They insult you and torture you There’s no end and nothing to do.
Insulting them back causes a spiraling effect It all keeps adding up just like debt Even though some people refuse to admit it, words hurt They put you down and bring you down to the level of dirt.
Why can’t people just get along? Why don’t peace and kindness last long? Something’s wrong with this world of ours For some reason standing up for someone makes you a coward
So next time you watch a person being insulted, Stand up for them because no one deserves it. You’ll be thankful when that person is you And the brave soul steps in knowing what to do
The worst person of all is the one causing the hurt Often another that’s hurt, but doing the reverse. Saying the words that can scar forever Being the one who feels their insults are clever.
It’s a game that’s gone too far Give it up and raise the respect bar. Give the respect and get it in return And this world of ours just might finally learn.